Pithani the Librarian Mouse

NaNoWriMo Part the Second: Not just an RPG setting book

In my previous post I said on of my NaNo plans is working on an RPG setting book. In addition to that I do plan to work on some prose. Specifically I want to continue what I am refering to as the Magic School Doofuses (Quick and Dirty, Piece of Cake, Just Purr-fect, and Consequences, note the last two involve an involuntary physical transformation and students (+staff) not being nice).

As a bit of last minute #PrepTober/#NanoPrep I'm throwing the door open to any questions for the cast of the stories to help me get back in their heads.

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Writing, Fennec

NaNoWriMo part the first: Not a novel

This November rather than trying to put 50K into one project I've decided to do a couple of things. One of them is getting words in on an RPG setting. For the final result I'm aiming for something like the old staple bound floppy paper books from the 70/80s or similar sometimes perfect bound books from the early 2000s indie/small press RPG boom. Mostly print, two columns of text on an 8.5x11" page, in the 64-128 page range (aiming for the low end but well see). Inspired some by GURPS worldbooks in that it will be mostly description of the setting with only a small fraction of the space given over to anything system specific (for which I'm leaning towards FATE since it's a fairly descriptive system).

For the setting... I'm reaching back to two entries I made for the second 30 Days of Flashfic: Day 6 Write a Pitch For a Final Fantasy Styled RPG and the second half of Day 11 Movie Trailer Style. That setting being the Magical Girl Apocalypse, an alternate Earth which was invaded by magic wielding youngsters from a fantasy world. Aerth was in it's own version of the 50s (or maybe early 60s) when portals opened up and the invaders came through. Their parents had completed taking over the fantasy world and were starting to worry about potentially ambitious heirs who might not want to wait to sit on the thrones, so what better solution than to send them out to conquer somewhere else, preferably far enough away to not trouble their parents.

What I'm looking at currently as an outline would be:

* Introduction
* * History of Aerth
* Aerth Before the Invasion
* * The Invasion
* * After the Invasion
* The Magical Girls
* * Who Are They?
* * * Are They All Girls?
* * * What Do They Want? / Are They Evil?
* * Factions
* Post Invasion Aerth
* * Factions of The Resistance
* * Life After the Portals
* * Magic & Technology
* Major Figures & Places
* Creatures of Fantasy
* The Other World

And probably some random tables for generating stuff because random tables are fun.

Think I'm missing anything? Comments? Suggestions? "Hey where have you been?!" pokes (Mastodon mostly) all welcome.

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

A Writing Index and Landing Page

A Writing Index and Landing Page

Partway through 2011 I started semi-regularly writing short snippets of fiction, over time this has build up to where it can take a while to hunt down something I wrote previously. That calls for... An Index and Landing Page! I am putting this together initially as a single page. The remainder will likely soon go under a cut. Post-Dating to the end of 2013 to keep it at the top of the recent posts page. Indexes first, followed by a setting list.

30-Day Writing Projects:

  • Using Ravenswept's 30 Day list: LJ Link, (No DW copy currently)

  • Using Aldersprig and KC_Obrien's 30 Day list: LJ Link, DW Link

Prompt Calls:

Collapse )

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

Writing Prompts? And StoryBundle has a 2017 NanoTools bundle

Hey everyone, I'll be off the net for a bit today, unless the horrible wifi signal has improved in the past month), and have some time without specific tasks. So, would anyone like to suggest some writing prompts? Stuff for my existing settings, Qs for characters, random prompts, demifiction ideas, whatever...

For anyone planning to do NaNoWriMo, the site StoryBundle has a 2017 Nano Tools bundle. I'm still debating whether to pick it up but I've liked the contents of some of the past year's nano bundles. This year the book on writing injuries is looking the most enticing to me, but there are also books on Excel for writers, story structure, scrivenor, etc. Not an affiliate link, I don't get anything if you buy, but I did think some of you might be interested.

Speaking of that, there's still about a week left to pick up the SFWA Fantasy bundle. Multiple books in it look good and I'm only somewhat biased in recommending it (I've read a little of Rowyn's The Moon Etherium (you might already know Rowyn from A Rational Arrangement or from right here on Dreamwidth) and I'm looking forward to sometime soon sitting down and completing it).

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

Fic: Cody's Dream

Title: Cody's Dream
Fandom/'verse: Addergoole
Notes: Starts early in Year 9 of the Addergoole School, some bits may be confusing if you haven't read anything else in the setting. (In addition to Addergoole/Fae Apocalypse being [personal profile] aldersprig's creation, so too is Yolanda. Lemon and Hylakaros come by way of [personal profile] rix_scaedu.
Summary: The event that sets about changing Cody from passive geek girl (as seen in How to Trap A Cody, set despite the title after Cody's being magically bound as an older student's servant for the year) to the girl in the maybe-canon Family Ties who was described as 'scary girl' by an Agency trained cat person, "She was all covered in blood you know. Most of it probably wasn't even hers." Cody shows up at a few points in [personal profile] aldersprig's Addergoole: Year 9
Warnings: Set in Addergoole, a high school for unusual students with practices much of the pre-and-post apocalypse world would object to (about the only way to be expelled is to kill another student). In particular in this story: two fights and a teenage pregnancy.
Words: roughly 3500

So this is what a lucid dream is like. Cody was surprised that she didn't wake from that thought or the surprise that came along with it. Everything felt real. Full of the little details that separated dreams from reality. The peeling anti-corrosion paint on the metal struts of the bridge she stood upon. The stray dogs in the vacant lot in the distance on the other side of the river. The faint smell of smoke from the fires started by the battle in the distance.

Fire? Fighting? How am I so calm? As if that thought threw a switch she could hear a soft whispering in her own voice even if her dream self's lips didn't seem to be moving.Collapse )

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

Aldersprig has a Giraffe (Zebra) Call going!

Hey, did you know [personal profile] aldersprig has a Giraffe (Zebra) call going? Don't know what that is? It's a call for story prompts. Leave a prompt, get some fic. If tips are left or her Patreon joined (helping to pay for home renovations) then more is written.

Autumn 2017 Giraffe (Zebra) Call: Autumn, Autumn (Roundtree)*, Fall, and Falling

now posted with fewer spelling errors in the subject line :)

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

An untitled snippet of fiction

Title: Untitled
Fandom/'verse: Urban fantasy? Werewolves anyway.
Notes: There was discussion several months back about how much of werewolf fiction plays off bad knowledge of wolf pack behavior (much stemming from an article on wolf behavior that was not merely contradicted by others but pretty much disowned by its own author). This started things percolating in my head and here's the opening with about half of what I've written.
Summary: Jacob's off balance when his secret is out and he's being called a hero
Warnings: Non-graphically described injuries and a few expletives
Words: 1400-ish

The first thing Jacob noticed was the sound of the car engine. Then the blanket that was wrapped around him making him feel like a mummy. Then Travis excitedly calling out, "I think he's waking up!"

"Easy son, you're in rough shape but we'll be at the doctor's soon."Collapse )

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Writing, Fennec

Fic: Consequences (Followup to Just Purrfect)

Title: Consequences (followup to Just Perrfect)
Fandom/'verse: Magic School Doofuses, my current title for the stories of Jamsa and Nicolai at a school of magic.
Summary: Jamsa and Mandry head out to the Halloween Ball
Note: Follows after Quick and Dirty, Piece of Cake, and Just Purrfect.
Warnings: Use of a leash and shackles and a decided lack of mercy or sympathy from Jamsa's fellow classmates or the faculty for his being transformed into a catgirl.
Words: 2603

Mandry knew her cosplay was not perfect. The costume was simple enough. A black dress, a red ribbon tied into a large bow atop her head, and a simple straw broom. That with a little work and she was Kiki the witch from Kiki's Delivery Service.

"Haha, good joke, now let me go."

If only she had a proper Jiji to be her familiar. Collapse )

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Pithani the Librarian Mouse

Ask My Characters Anything*

I have a few new things percolating their way towards being posted but that doesn't mean we can't have fun with stories that have already been posted. So go ahead and ask my characters anything*.

My fiction landing page is substantially out of date, so here are some helpful tags:

Preference is for responses on Dreamwidth. LiveJournal seems to keep losing my sign-in.

* - Ask anything, but the character might not know the answer, might have reason to prevaricate/lie, or might get censored to avoid spoilering. **
** - No guarantee asking characters questions will result in new fiction, but it will bring them back to mind and who knows were that will lead.

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Writing, Fennec

Potential plotline prompts legal question

Today in worldbuilding Fluff gets to ponder immigration law. Given this takes place in a country on a portal reached techofantasy world I could make up just about any answer. But, given:
*character arrived in country while high school aged because father's employer asked them to transfer there
*neither parent nor child became citizens of the other country
*its been a few years since the move and the son just started attending a local college

What happens if the father gets upset enough to disown the son and kicks him out of the house?

So I get to figure out whether the son was on the father's visa (some Googling suggests that's how it would work for people heading to the US) or required to have a separate one, what the country's view is on the disowning&kicking out, and what the implications of that are.

Whee. Worldbuilding is fun. Especially when you don't have to worry about someone pointing to a source you never saw that shows you got something wrong.

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